Try Widget

This page allows you to try out widget capabilities without registration.
Play with widget preferences as you wish but be aware that
you need to register if you want to embed a widget on your site.

If you change widget language, save configuration to update preview.

Customize Size

If you change height from autoresize to fixed or vice versa, preview will be updated only after saving.

Widget width must not be less than 250 for correct representation.

Empty width means 100%

Empty height means autoresize

Customize Automobile Brands

Please, be aware that only active filter will be applied to the content of your widget.

Assume that you specify Chevrolet and Ferrari in Brands tab and Germany in Countries tab.
If Brands tab is active you get only Chevrolet and Ferrari, if Countries - you get all German brands.

Sorry, list of brands is currently unavailable because of some server problems {{ }}
Sorry, list of countries is currently unavailable because of some server problems {{ }}
Sorry, list of countries is currently unavailable because of some server problems {{ }}
Sorry, list of countries is currently unavailable because of some server problems {{ }}

You can specify domestic markets priority for your widget. Selected markets will be shown firstly.

Sorry, list of brands is currently unavailable because of some server problems {{ }}

Customize Widget Content

If you want to see only OE modifications in search results, check option below.
This will also affect search by tire or rim - search results will be related to OEM modifications.

Customize Colors

Feel free to use any Less features in color variables or advanced mode.

You may choose one of predefined color themes or create your own. New theme will be created once you edit one of the predefined color theme.

Please, correct errors in color variables
